Buying Crypto Cup $CRC
Users can buy Crypto Cup by setting up a crypto wallet on the Binance Chain Network and add Binance (BNB) coins to your account. From here, users can essentially swap BNB for Crypto Cup tokens. If you are using Trust Wallet or Metamask, just follow these steps:
Download the Trust Wallet or Metamask app on your smartphone, install the wallet and make a secure backup of your key phrase.
Log in to Binance.
Make sure you own Binance Coin (BNB) and go to the Binance Coin (BNB) withdrawal page.
Open your Trust Wallet, click on Smart Chain, and then on Receive. Copy the wallet address. For Metamask, simply click on your account to copy your wallet address
Go to Binance again, paste the address at the Recipientโs BNB Address, select Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and send your BNB to your Trust Wallet.
Give Binance a moment to send your BNB.
After you received the coins, click on Pancakeswap.
Click on Connect (sometimes you are automatically connected and sometimes you are not).
At the top, enter the number of BNB you want to convert to Crypto Cup.
Below that field, click on Select a currency, paste token address and Crypto Cup's tokens will appear.
Click on Swap. If you are using Pancakeswap, click on this link: .... You can buy Crypto Cup by setting up a crypto wallet on the Binance Smarts Chain and add Binance (BNB) coins to your account. From there, you can essentially swap BNB for Crypto Cup's tokens.
Last updated